Below is the College Place High School Graduation Checklist and planning document. Students will become very familiar with this tool as they engage in their high school and beyond and post-high school planning with Pathway Specialists and our counseling team. 

Graduation Requirements Checklist: College Place High School

Graduation Checklist

High School & Beyond Plan

Additionally, to graduate, students must develop a plan on how they will meet the high school graduation requirements and what they will do following high school. A student’s plan, which ideally should be started in eighth or ninth grade and revised as he/she moves forward, should include the classes needed to prepare for a two- or four-year college, apprenticeship, career or technical school, certificate program or the workforce. Each school district determines the guidelines for the high school and beyond plan. Questions about the guidelines should be directed to our counseling team and high school office staff. 

To learn more about high school graduation requirement please visit OSPI.

Graduation Pathways

Every CPHS graduate must also complete have a Graduation Pathway from one or more of the options below. If you have any questions please see your counselor.

Grad Pathways

Passing the SBAC state assessment and CTE Graduation Pathways are the most common types of Graduation Pathways at CPHS.

CTE Graduation Pathways consist of a student taking two sequential CTE courses in a CTE program pathway. These could include:

Culinary -- Catering


Graphic Arts -- Adv. Graphic Arts

Media -- Adv. Media

Plant Biology -- Animal Science

We also have local CPPS CTE Graduation Pathways that cross multiple CTE programs.

local CTE

Credit Recovery Options

Students who fail a course are required to make up those credits in order to be on track for high school graduation. Below is an illustration of the options our counselors work with students who are in credit deficient status.

Credit Recovery