We will begin State Testing on the 25th of April with our 8th graders in Science. The rest of the students will begin testing the week of May 1st. Each student will take one test a week for the month of May. We will conclude testing at the end of May. During this time, please be sure your children are well rested, have a good breakfast, and please remind them to do their best. At Sager, we use the Smarter Balanced Assessments to determine placement in Academy classes, Enrichment classes, and they help us make a variety of other decisions, so please take a moment to talk with your child about the importance of doing well on the State Assessments. All of our testing will be done before lunch. If you are making an appointment during the Smarter Balanced Testing please make sure it is in the afternoon.
State Testing Begins at Sager
April 17, 2017