Welcome to the home of the Davis Dragons! We are excited to begin the school year. We feel so lucky and blessed to have this amazing facility to assist us in focusing on kids and their learning.
As the new school year approaches, we want to share with you that we are so excited for you all to be here at Davis Elementary! Our goal here is to open doors for our students, help them begin to imagine the possibilities in front of them, and give them the skills to succeed.
We have a dedicated, hard-working staff here at Davis, who care deeply for the children who walk through our halls, and who believe in their potential. We look forward to a year filled with discovery, adventure and learning!
Welcome and go Dragons!
Mark Ferraro, Principal & Jodi Grove Vice Principal
The public school district purchased this property in May of 1906 and built College Place Public School which housed grades 1-8. The new school served the community well for 24 years, at which time an auditorium was added in 1931 and named after a veteran educator in the community, teacher and first principal William M. Davis. Later, the school became known as Davis School. Twenty-five years later, in 1955, an addition was built on the north side of the original building, and in 1958 an addition was constructed on the west side of the original building. In 1986, a $2,000,000 renovation added a library, kitchen, cafeteria/multipurpose room and 12 classrooms. This addition completely encircled the original building, which was removed in 1986, leaving the courtyard inside the newer construction. In April 2012, a bond passed to build a new Davis Elementary, relocate and renovate Sager Middle School and build a new high school. The new Davis Elementary is located on what was the old Davis playground.
Davis elementary did not have a mascot until the late 1980s. At this time Davis was the Davis predators with the colors hot pink and black and with a logo of paw prints. A vote was taken from students to determine the new name. The Predators won and were the official mascot until the mid-1990's when teachers Stephanie Holman-Easley and Juleen Montgomery thought Davis needed a more 'friendly' mascot. They wanted something that would blend better with the name 'Davis.' Many 'D' names to go with Davis were presented and Dragons won out. These teachers wanted representation from the kids so Stephanie and Juleen had students draw many types of dragons.7 drawings were picked from the many and made into the logo. These 7 dragons were displayed on the bulletin board mural in the hall outside the multi-purpose room.
In the mid-2000s, the 7 dragons were replaced by one purple and green dragon, our friendly dragon you have seen in the lobby, our webpage, on all stationery, doors, and windows throughout the old Davis. In his last year at Davis (2013-2014), his wings were added to represent the 'Flyers' from Meadow Brook (mascot and name) that joined Davis staff in 2014. He has become quite the celebrity at the school and has served our students and staff well.
In 2014 our new Davis Dragon appeared, designed by Karl Christensen. He carries the same colors of purple and green, and of course, he has his wings.