A school-wide program permits an eligible school to use Title A Part A funds in combination with State and local resources and other federal education program funds to upgrade the entire educational program of the school to raise the academic level of all students. Title I Part A provides federal dollars for supplemental educational opportunities for disadvantaged children who are failing to meet the State’s challenging content and performance standards.
The parents of Title I, Part A students may request, and the District and Schools will provide, certain information on the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers and paraprofessionals providing services to the child. Please see these letters for more information:
Davis Elementary School is implementing a school-wide Title I program in math and reading. We utilize Title I schoolwide funds to meet the LAP K-4 Literacy Focus.
Parents as partners in education are an extremely important part of the Title I program. Through parental involvement, parents are provided opportunities to actively participate in their child’s education. Parents can participate in a variety of ways, including participating in school-based activities, visiting their child’s classroom and teacher, volunteering in the schools, and attending conferences. The Title I school Wide Compact outlines how parents, students, and school will share the responsibility for improved student learning. Every parent should receive a copy of the school’s School-Parent-Student Compact to review. Compacts are revised as needed. Parents are encouraged to volunteer on school improvement teams, assist in extended-day activities with other parents, teachers, and the school administrator(s) through PTA.
The following may be supported by the Title I school-wide program:
Provide additional instruction to children who are experiencing difficulty in reading and/or math
Provide extended-learning opportunities before or after the regular school day
Title I Part A seeks achievement of high academic standards by all children and provides for additional educational assistance in the general education classroom by Title I personnel.
Focus on success by using a measurement of student academic progress and needs through assessment.
Providing accountability for results in schools
Maintaining high-quality standards for instructional personnel
Providing parental knowledge, involvement, and choices
For more information, please visit the Title I page at OSPI: http://www.k12.wa.us/titlei/default.aspx
If you have any questions please contact the following:
Sara Moran | Title I Coordinator | |
Anne Christians | Title I Math Learning Specialist | |
Mark Ferraro | Principal | |
Jodi Grove | Vice Principal |