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College Place 2022 EP&O Levy
Our school district has a four-year Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) levy on the February 8, 2022 ballot. A levy is a locally-approved tax based on property values.
The EP&O Levy in College Place pays for educational programs not fully funded by the state, including:
Smaller class sizes
Nurses and medical para-educators
Classroom para-educators
Social and emotional learning
1:1 Technology devices
Reading, music, and PE specialists
Extra-curricular activities and clubs
Special education services
Intervention programs
Mental health support
Vocational programs
Intervention services and staffing
The arts: band, choir, and drama
School Resource Officer
Utilities, maintenance, and operations
And more…
A Look at the Numbers
Levy Rate
The proposed levy rate is $2.50* per $1,000 assessed value
* Note: the total EP&O Levy tax rate will not be higher than $2.50. It may be collected at a lower rate.
The proposed 2022 EP&O Levy combines the district’s existing Technology & Safety and Transportation levies into a single levy.
The current Tech & Safety and Transportation levies have a current combined tax rate of $2.60/$1,000
The proposed four-year EP&O Levy tax rate is $2.50/$1,000; $.10 lower than the current overall rate
Total Collection Amount
The total collection amount for the proposed 2022 EP&O Levy will be $18.9 million, which will be collected over four years (2023-2026) as follows:
2023 = $4.1 million
2024 = $4.5 million
2025 = $4.9 million
2026 = $5.4 million
TOTAL = $18,900,000
Voting Information
Election day is Tuesday, February 8, 2022 and voters are expected to receive their ballots in the mail by the last week of January. You can register to vote or find more info online at
Remember: Tax exemptions and deferrals are available for senior citizens and individuals who are disabled! For more information, contact the Walla Walla County Assessor’s Office at 509-524-2560, or the Columbia County Assessor at 509-382-2131
Ballots must be postmarked or returned by February 8th at 8:00 PM.
Learn more at
A ballot drop box is located at College Place City Hall, 625 S. College Ave. Visit the Walla Walla County website for more ballot drop locations