College Place Public Schools Indoor Field House Project

In response to the growth of College Place and increasingly tight program spaces, the College Place Public School Board approved moving forward with the design and construction of a state-of-the-art Activity Field House in their regular February 25, 2025 meeting. This much-needed facility will provide a versatile indoor space that supports a wide range of learning, athletic, and community events—addressing current demands without imposing any additional tax levy on our taxpayers.

This project requires no additional funding from taxpayers and will not impact other programs or budgets. The Board’s fiscal stewardship—saving interest funds, securing grants to offset costs, and carefully reallocating District resources—has made this possible.

CPPS Field House Future Site Google Earth

Rough rendering of the future facility,

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


College Place Public Schools (CPPS) is excited to announce plans for a new Field House Facility to accommodate our growing programs, activities, and athletics. This facility will serve as a central hub for student learning, extracurricular activities, and community events. Below are answers to common questions about the project.

1. Why is CPPS building an Indoor Field House?

Our current gym and indoor athletic spaces are at full capacity, often forcing practices to run late into the evening or limiting participation due to space constraints. This facility will alleviate those issues by providing additional practice and competition space while also serving as a venue for community activities and tournaments.  Today, our school spaces rarely can accommodate requests from the community (churches, rec leagues, AAU, youth sports, etc.) for use as facilities are used by CPPS activities from sunup to sundown six days per week.  This facility will expand the opportunities in College Place to have these activities.

2.  Where is the facility going to be located?

The facility will be located on the grounds of Sager Middle and College Place High School in close proximity to the baseball and softball fields.  Below is an aerial view of the approximate size and location.

3. What will be included in the facility?

The proposed 12,000-14,000-square-foot field house could feature:

  • Two full-size basketball courts (convertible for volleyball and indoor soccer)

  • Three to four ceiling-hung batting cages

  • Mats for wrestling and cheer

  • Heating, air conditioning, security cameras, and keycard access

  • Restrooms accessible from both interior and exterior

  • A concessions area with service to outdoor fields

  • Storage for outdoor and PE equipment

4. How will students and the community benefit from this facility?

  • Increased Student Participation: More available practice and training spaces mean fewer scheduling conflicts and expanded opportunities for all student-athletes.

  • Weather-Proof Training: Teams will no longer lose valuable practice time due to rain, snow, or wildfire smoke.

  • Community Access: Youth programs, adult leagues, and local organizations will have a new space for activities.

  • Economic Impact: Hosting tournaments and events will generate revenue for both CPPS and local businesses.

5. What is the estimated cost of the project?

The estimated cost is approximately $2.5 million.

6. Will this require an increase in taxes?

No. This project is being funded without any new tax levies or increases. Thanks to strong financial management by the school board:

  • A very significant portion of these costs are covered by interest earned on our existing fund balance over the past five years.

  • Additional funds were reallocated from projects where CPPS secured grant funding allowing the board to re-prioritize those funds for capital projects in long-term planning.

  • The community’s support of our 2022 EP & O Levy already ensures stable funding for school operations, and this project will not impact those commitments.

7. How do taxpayer levy dollars and ongoing levy support contribute to district projects like this?

Taxpayer-approved school levies are essential because state funding does not fully cover the cost of operating schools. The Educational Programs & Operations (EP & O) Levy directly supports teachers, classroom materials, extracurricular programs, special education, technology, and student safety—none of which can be funded through one-time construction dollars.

The funds for this project come from responsible long-term financial planning, including interest earnings and reallocated funds from grant-covered projects. However, ongoing levy support ensures that CPPS can maintain high-quality educational programs and facilities, making strategic projects like this possible without impacting day-to-day school operations.

8. How will the facility be maintained and operated?

  • The facility will be incorporated into CPPS’s existing service agreements for HVAC and electrical systems.

  • Custodial staff will maintain cleanliness, with additional support as needed.

  • Teams and activity participants will share responsibility for basic upkeep, following CPPS’s tradition of The CP Way in caring for our facilities.

  • Rental fees from tournaments and community events will help offset operational costs.

9. What are the next steps in the project?

CPPS will:

  1. Engage an architect for facility design.

  2. Hold a pre-application meeting with the City of College Place for planning input.

  3. Meet with stakeholders: community, coaches, students, and staff to gather input.

  4. Open the project for bids.

  5. Break ground in late summer or early fall, with completion expected one year later.

10.  Usage & Access

  1. Who gets priority use of the facility?  CPPS activities and athletics will have priority in most cases, but when there are large requests, they may supersede district use.

  2. Will the community have access to the facility outside of school hours? Yes, the community may put in for use for groups and activities.  The district may explore open community opportunities, but there will not be “open” access.

  3. How will scheduling be handled to ensure fair access for different groups? All facility rentals are handled by the District Athletics Office and overseen directly by the Superintendent’s Office.

11.  Construction & Logistics

  1. Will this project disrupt school operations or existing athletic programs during construction? There will be some noise associated with construction and it will be necessary to reroute some common walking paths.  Bus routes around the school cannot be impacted.

  2. How will traffic and parking be impacted once the facility is operational? CPPS has adequate parking across its two campuses onsite and large events will not compete with daily parking.

12.  Staffing & Security

  1. Will additional staff be needed to manage and maintain the facility? We expect that some additional custodial and maintenance hours will be needed to properly clean and maintain the building.  The district will evaluate this within its staffing model to determine next steps when needed.

  2. What security measures will be in place?  The entries to all areas will be locked and secured.  Entry with permission will be achieved using the District’s access control cards that are specific to the user and their permission.  Additionally, camera monitoring will be in place 24/7.

13.  Long-Term Considerations

  1. How will this facility adapt to future student growth? We see this facility as being able to support growth for the long-term future of the district.  Even with an additional school on a future site, the proximity and size of this facility will support that growth and need.

  2. What happens if community demand exceeds available time slots? We may have to develop a rotating approval for outside groups if it appears that there is not equity in access. 

14.  Budget Transparency & Funding Sources

  1. How was the $2.5M cost estimate determined?  The original estimate was created by a third-party consultant using ROM (Rough Order Magnitude) estimating local costs, inflationary factors, and labor costs.

  2. How does the district ensure that funding decisions align with classroom needs, educational projects, and other key priorities? CPPS is a leader in ensuring that its programs have up to date materials, supplies, and technology.  CPPS has spent nearly $3M in curriculum, instructional technology (student and teacher computers, etc.) in the past three years.  Additionally, CPPS has spent nearly $2M in safety and facility upgrades in the past three years.  This is part of the district’s long-term plan to maintain excellent facilities for students and the community.

  3. How do we know this project won’t impact funding for other school programs?  No other programs will see a decrease in funding due to this project as these funds are designated for Capital Projects (construction).

  4. What happens if the project goes over budget? If costs appear to escalate beyond the estimated costs, CPPS will value-engineer areas of the project to cut costs.  Example, not including heating & air conditioning in storage spaces.

  5. Are there any future facility projects planned that could require additional funding?  Yes, CPPS has also allocated funds for an Agriculture Science/FFA Facility in the near future.  This spending is being considered in addition to this project.

14.    Where can I learn more or provide input?  CPPS is committed to transparency and community engagement. We will provide regular updates through our website, community meetings, and board sessions. If you have questions or feedback, please reach out to the board at