ABLE Program
The CPPS ABLE Program serves students ages 18-21 who qualify for continued life and employment skills.
The ABLE program provides teaching, coaching and mentoring for adult special education students with mild to moderate developmental disabilities as specified by the Federal Individual with Disabilities Act (IDEA).
ABLE Students Learn:
- Employment Skills
- Financial Literacy
- Social Skills
- Communication Skills
- Independent Living Skills
- Community Connections
- Transportation Access
The goal of the ABLE Program is to instill independence in our adult students.
“I’m most excited about programs that provide real-life, hands-on work experiences for students at some point throughout their high school that’s not simulated, that’s not ‘pre-vocational,’ that’s not simply preparatory but that puts them in a real place where they’re doing real work that matches their interests.”
- Erik Carter
Professor, Special Education Vanderbilt University
ABLE Curriculum
- Brigance Transition Skills
- Skills to Pay the Bills
- The Conover Company
ABLE staff facilities the placement of students in local businesses in the Walla Walla Valley. These opportunities provide students with access to real- world work experiences creating a springboard for their success and independence.
“Employment can bring purpose, confidence, and fulfillment to a student’s life. Being a part of a team is critical for a student’s self-worth. Working with others, being on time, and asking for help are all real life skills that our ABLE students practice daily .”
- Monica Collins
ABLE Program Director

Monica Collins, Sager/CPHS Life Skills & ABLE Teacher
Nikkolena Riley, ABLE Program Paraeducator