Interpretation Services and Translation
You are an important part of your child’s education. College Place Public Schools provides limited English proficient parents with information, in their own language, so they can make informed decisions about their children's education. This includes interpretation and translation services for vital meetings and communications. If you receive information that is not in your language, please let the school know you would like it translated in writing or explained orally to you in your language. For further assistance with translation or interpretation services please contact Jim Fry, Superintendent
When is translation and interpretation required?
School districts in Washington State are required by law to provide translated materials for their non-English speaking families in languages that exceed 5% of the District's total parent population or 1,000 persons, whichever is less. Information about this can be found in School Board Policy 4218 and Procedure 4218.
Parent Rights to Language Access
Our schools should communicate with you in your language about important information and opportunities for your child, this includes information about:
School closures and delays
Registration and enrollment
Grades, academic standards, and graduation
School rules and student discipline
Attendance, absences, and withdrawal
Parent permission for activities or programs
Special education and services for students with disabilities
Opportunities to access programs or services-including highly capable, advanced placement, and English language learner programs
Language Access Rights Information
How does College Place Public Schools meet these needs?
Interpretation Services
To provide our students, staff, and families the best support in education, College Place Public Schools offers language services for families whose home language is not English. These services can be accessed in a variety of ways at no cost to our students, parents/guardians, and staff:
By calling or emailing the school, teacher, school leader, or district office
Through Thrillshare/Apptegy (the district's automated communication tool)
By completing a request for interpretation services for a meeting at one of our schools HERE
On the district website
Schools and the district office offer interpreter services through a language service provider
Translation Services
College Place Public Schools translates all documents that are required to be translated into Spanish for our parents and community members. Since CPPS does not have another population in its schools that makes up 5% or 1,000 persons, these forms are not translated into other languages. However, some forms may be made available in another language upon request. Please ask at your child's school.
Additional Public Translation Service Options
Thrillshare: Parents can automatically receive communications in a language that they choose (or download the app on the bottom of the main district webpage
Website translation:
CPPS has a Translate tab at the very top of our webpages. This tab accesses Google Translate to convert our website copy into any language selected.
Computer-based translation tools:
Microsoft Translator for Education: This is a free app that can be used on Android, iOS, Windows desktop:
Google Translate: Google Translate is a “Free” automatic translator that works without the intervention of human translators, using state-of-the-art technology instead. While Google translate gives the general idea, it is not grammatically perfect. If you choose to use this service, please add a disclaimer, “Translated by Google service,” to your translated document.
ChatGPT: Offers free translation services for a variety of languages, perfect for general communication and informal use.
Skyward Family Access translation:
Click "Skyward" link in corner
Go to Skyward Family Access.
Right, Click on an empty space in the page and select Translate to English. (image 1)
This will give you an error since the page is already in English. Select the Options button to change the translation language. The example below shows Spanish as the selected language. Click the Translate button. (image 2)
Next log into Skyward Family Access. The new windows will be in English, but you can change it easily by right-clicking a blank area of the screen and selecting “Translate to (your language)” Your language is the one you selected previously. (image 3)
Families can access Skyward in their heritage language, using Google Translator. To turn on translation in Google Chrome for Skyward use: