Registration Open



CPHS and Sager Sports Registration is NOW OPEN for 2019-20 School Year (and summer CPHS Sports) online using our new system Final Forms!  Parents, please follow this link SPORTS REGISTRATION or go to the CPPS.ORG Athletic Page for Registration Access, or type this URL into you browser 


**If Athletes plan to participate in CPHS/Sager Summer Weight Training or CPHS Summer Sports practice, games, or camps they must be registered in Final Forms for the 2019-20 School Year with the sport(s) of their choice.  You will be prompted to sign and resubmit forms in the process, as well as update medical and emergency contacts.


Linked Below the instructions and guidance for Final Forms Online Registration!


Final Forms Parent Playbook Link - English


Final Forms Parent Playbook Link - Spanish


Final Forms Parent Account Creation Letter


Please Note: If your Son/Daughter already has a Final Forms Account it will just be a few simple forms to update online and select the 2019/20 sport(s) of their choice...\r\n