Spring Sports

Spring Sports Update and Registration


CPHS and Sager Sports Registration is open for the 2018-19 Spring Sports! Be sure to complete registration on Final Forms ASAP so you are ready to go for the upcoming sports season! CLICK THIS LINK TO REGISTER or UPDATE YOUR ACCOUNT! 


For more athletics info visit http://www.cpps.org/o/athletics 


Please contact Mr. James (kjames@cpps.org) or Mrs. Derting (jderting@cpps.org) with any registration questions.


Please Note: If your Son/Daughter already has a Final Forms Account, you will just need to complete a few simple forms to update online and select the 2018/19 sport(s) of their choice.


CPHS and Sager Spring Sports start dates, information, and reminders:


NOTE: Watch for Schedule of Parent Meetings


CPHS Boys Baseball


First Day of Practice: Monday, February 25, 3:30-5:30pm, CPHS Baseball Field


What to Bring/Wear: Warm clothes (dress in layers), water bottle, cleats and gym shoes, any baseball equipment already owned


Contact info: Head Coach, Jason Grove, jgrove@cpps.org


CPHS Girls Softball


First Day of Practice: Monday, February 25, 3:30-5:30pm, CPHS Softball Field


What to Bring/Wear: Warm clothes (dress in layers), water bottle, cleats and gym shoes, any softball equipment already owned


Contact info: Head Coach, Corey Davis, cdavis@cpps.org




First Day of Practice: Monday, February 25, 3:30-5:30pm, Veterans Memorial Golf Course


What to Bring/Wear: Warm clothes (dress in layers), water bottle, cleats and gym shoes, clubs if you have your own


Contact info: Head Coach, Bill Fleenor, fleenorbill@hotmail.com


CPHS Boys Soccer


First Day of Practice: Monday, February 25, 4-6pm, CPHS Practice Field


What to Bring/Wear: Warm clothes (dress in layers), cleats and gym shoes, water bottle, any soccer equipment already owned


Contact info: Head Coach, Scott Keller, scottkeller66@hotmail.com


CPHS Tennis First Day of Practice: Monday, February 25, 3:15-5:30pm, CPHS Tennis Courts


What to Bring/Wear: Warm clothes (dress in layers), water bottle, any tennis equipment already owned


Contact info: Head Coach, Sasha Ferraro, sferraro@cpps.org


CPHS Track and Field First Day of Practice: Monday, February 25, 3:30-5:30pm, CPHS Track


What to Bring/Wear: Warm clothes (dress in layers), water bottle, gym shoes and outdoor running shoes


Contact info: Head Coach, Ryan Lackey, rlackey@cpps.org


Sager 7/8 Boys Baseball


First Day of Practice: Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 3:30-5:15pm, Howard Tietan Park in Walla Walla


What to Bring/Wear: Warm clothes (dress in layers), water bottle, cleats and gym shoes, any baseball equipment already owned


Contact info: Head Coach, Miguel Ruvalcaba, mruvalcaba_13@hotmail.com


Sager 7/8 Girls Softball


First Day of Practice: Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 3:30-5:15pm, Davis Softball Field


What to Bring/Wear: Warm clothes (dress in layers), water bottle, cleats and gym shoes, any softball equipment already owned


Contact info: Coach to be determined. Contact Lori Sutherland, lsutherland@cpps.org for questions or assistance.   


Sager Track and Field


First Day of Practice: Tuesday, March 5, 2019, 3:30-5:15pm, CPHS Track


What to Bring/Wear: Warm clothes (dress in layers), water bottle, gym shoes and outdoor running shoes


Contact info: Head Coach, Andrew Goin, agoin@cpps.org