Parents & Guardians - CPPS is experiencing some technical difficulties with our phones. If you need to contact a school please use these numbers: Davis 509-629-2602, Sager 509-629-2603, CPHS 509-629-2601
over 5 years ago, College Place
Thank you to all of the parents who have turned in the necessary paperwork for your student(s) immunizations! Just a reminder- The deadline for compliance is October 28th, which is when exclusions will start. Please make sure to get your paperwork to school before this date.
over 5 years ago, College Place
Parents and Guardians - Please remember that there is no school on Thursday and Friday, October 10 & 11 due to school conferences.
over 5 years ago, College Place
Don't miss the FREE event and documentary film Screenagers that will be playing on October 8th at 7:00 pm at Cordiner Hall on the Whitman Campus. View the trailer at:
over 5 years ago, College Place
Please remember that Monday, October 7th is an early release for all CPPS students. Davis releases at 12:10 pm and CPHS & Sager release at 12:00 pm.
over 5 years ago, College Place
Padres y Estudiantes Hemos completado el cambio de horario a nuestros estudiantes. Por favor revise Skyward si quiere ver los cambios. Mañana comenzaremos a repartir horarios a los estudiantes. Si tiene alguna pregunta [or favor envíame un correo electrónico
over 5 years ago, Scott Kasenga
Parents and Students We have completed rescheduling. Please check Family Access for a preview. Tomorrow morning we will begin handing out schedules to students. We minimized the impact to students and staff. If you have any questions please email me at
over 5 years ago, Scott Kasenga
If you missed the Community Safety Meeting last night you can view the presentation at the following link - If you have any specific safety questions please email
over 5 years ago, College Place
If you missed the Community Safety Meeting last night your can view the presentation at the following link - If you have any specific safety questions please email
over 5 years ago, College Place
FALL CONFERENCES You should be receiving from your child's advisory teacher a request for you to attend his/her fall conference. These are the dates of our conferences: October 3 - 4-7pm October 7 - 4-7pm October 9 - 4-7pm October 10 - 8-11am October 10 - 11:30- 2:30 optional
over 5 years ago, Cindy Fish
Superintendent Fry is holding one more listening session tomorrow, 9/17 in the CPHS Commons. The meeting will start at 6:30 pm. Please contact Kerri Ramirez at 509-525-4827 to RSVP. This is a great opportunity to meet Mr.Fry and share your vision for the future of CPPS!
over 5 years ago, College Place
Good luck to the Sager Raider Girls Soccer Team! This is the first ever game today as the travel to Ki-Be for the first game in program history! Game time is 4:00pm at Ki-Be Middle School. Good luck on the road today Raiders!
over 5 years ago, Kenneth James
SAGER PICTURE DAY is Thursday, September 12. Pictures will be taken beginning first period and running throughout the morning. Picture packets and reminders have been passed out. Packets with money should be returned to the photographer at the time of their pictures !
over 5 years ago, Cindy Fish
Remember! The CPPS Athletics and Activities Facebook page is new and separate from the CPPS Facebook Page. You can search for CPPS Athletics and Activities to follow the CP Athletic posts!
over 5 years ago, Kenneth James
Superintendent Fry is holding 2 more listening sessions on 9/10 @ Sager and on 9/17 in the CPHS Commons. They start at 6:30 pm. Please contact Kerri Ramirez at 509-525-4827 to RSVP. This is a great opportunity to meet Mr.Fry and share your vision for the future of CPPS!
over 5 years ago, College Place
CPPS announces new substitute teacher day rate at $189.00/day. Go to to apply!
over 5 years ago, College Place
Sub day rate increase
Parents please remember that the CPPS Registration Fair for new and returning students is tomorrow, August 15, from 8 a m-3 pm in the CPHS commons. Returning students can be registered online through Skyward Family access.
over 5 years ago, College Place
The date for the August School Board Meeting has been changed to August 26, 2019 at 7:00pm at Davis Elementary School.
over 5 years ago, Julie James
Get a jump on back to school shopping! Here is the list of supplies for Sager Middle School.
over 5 years ago, College Place
School Supplies
Hawks and Raiders getting work in during morning training today! Keep getting better Hawks and Raiders! There will be no evening training session tonight July 3rd, and weight weight room will be closed July 4 and 5. Training resumes Monday July 8th.
over 5 years ago, Kenneth James