School Board adopts 2017-2018 school year calendar. School will start Monday, August 28th! Calendar is posted on CPPS website.
almost 8 years ago, College Place
Come support the Sager baseball team today at 4:00 pm vs Assumption at Tietan Park!
almost 8 years ago, College Place
Please plan to attend Sources of Strength Community Event tonight at 7:00 pm at Cordnier Hall. This is an experience for hope, health and strength and breaking the codes of silence.
almost 8 years ago, College Place
Parents/Guardians Choice Enrollment is currently open at CPPS. Please ensure that you update your student's Choice Enrollment paperwork. Thank you!
almost 8 years ago, College Place
Governor Inslee has given Sager Middle School a "Golden Star" Award for the work Shari Widmer has done in getting 88% of estimated eligible students in the class of 2020 to submit a College Bound Scholarship application.
almost 8 years ago, Dale Stopperan
Parents please remember that there will be no school March 2-3 due to conferences. Have a great weekend!
almost 8 years ago, College Place
Parents please do not forget that it is early dismissal today for records. Davis releases at 11:40 am and Sager and CPHS is at 12:30 pm. Also make sure you have your conference scheduled!
almost 8 years ago, College Place
Sager Spring Sports Registration is open. Parent please log onto Skyward to register your student for Baseball, Softball, or Track! Go Raiders!
almost 8 years ago, Kenneth James
2-9-17- SCHOOL CANCELLED TODAY due to inclement weather.
almost 8 years ago, College Place
The Sager Ski Trip for today 2-9-17 has been cancelled due to icy road conditions.
almost 8 years ago, College Place
Parents/Guardians - Please allow the CPPS bus drivers extra time today to get your student home safely. Roads are still slick and we want to ensure the safety for all! Thank you for your patience.
almost 8 years ago, College Place
almost 8 years ago, Kenneth James
Parents - Please do not send your student to school if they have any of the following symptoms: fever, eye discharge, chronic cough, sore throat, diarrhea or vomiting.
almost 8 years ago, College Place
Parents with the recent heavy snowfall, roads are slick. Please allow extra time for the CPPS buses to drop off your student safely. A winter warning is in effect, please check websites for updates.
almost 8 years ago, College Place
Spring Sports Online Registration for CPHS and Sager opens in Skyward tomorrow, Feb. 2! Parents Login to Skyward to get registered. See the CPPS Athletic News Site for more information and details!
about 8 years ago, Kenneth James
Parents- there are chances of snow showers this week. Please check the web site or use the CPPS App for up-to-date information on possible school delays or closures
about 8 years ago, College Place
Save the Date! Great Explorations – March 11, 2017 That’s when AAUW’s Great Explorations, a day of science adventures for girls grades 5-8 is happening at Whitman College.
about 8 years ago, College Place
Get your Hawks Card today at Gesa Credit Union! Every swipe of your debit card will give 5 cents back to CPPS. Also Gesa is offering $100 for any new account that is open now through March!
about 8 years ago, College Place
Pitch IT! Workshop tonight 6:30pm @ Maxey Hall on Whitman Campus. Your student's chance to win up to $10,000 for a business idea check it out
about 8 years ago, College Place
At the half - Sager girls 2, Prescott girls 20
about 8 years ago, timpayne