Celebrate Wa Stat Schools

Congratulations to Davis Elementary staff and students for achieving "Recognized School" status for the 2018-2019 school year in the area of "Growth for students who receive special education services."  This is an awesome accomplishment for our students, staff, Davis Elementary, CPPS, and the community as a whole.  


Washington schools stand out for closing gaps, achievement, and growth according to new data released by the state. Washington state has re-imagined the recognition system to highlight schools that have received support and are thriving, and highlight positive systems changes that are happening in all regions.


The state Legislature has acknowledged the last week in April as Washington School Recognition Week (April 27 – May 1, 2020).


"Washington schools are inspiring. With these awards we recognize the outstanding efforts of our schools and their positive impact on students,” said Washington State Board of Education Chair, Peter Maier. “The State Board, OSPI, and the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee are excited to celebrate the diverse educational communities that support Washington’s ever-changing K-12 student population.  Thank you to our state's schools and educators for your dedication to students!”


"Davis is excited to receive recognition in Special Education for student growth. The collaboration between our special education teachers, our intervention specialist and classroom teachers continues to get stronger each year which benefits all our students. I can't thank the Davis staff enough on their own continued growth in making our students successful. I also want to send a special congratulations to our special education staff in the great work they continue to provide." Stated Principal Mark Ferraro. \r\n


To learn more, click the link below. \r\nhttps://www.sbe.wa.gov/news/state-celebrates-schools-during-school-recognition-week


Congratulations to all of the students and staff who have worked so hard to achieve this recognition!