The Bilingual Program in College Place Public Schools operates using 3 different program models:


TBE models generally begin by initially providing 90% of instruction in the native language and 10% in English, increasing English instruction systematically until all instruction is provided in English. TBE (Early-Exit) models differ from Developmental Bilingual (Late-Exit) models in that students move to English-only instruction more quickly, with students generally moving into mainstream English-only classes within three or four years.The purpose of a Transitional Bilingual Education or Early-Exit model is to use the student’s native language as a foundation to support English language development.


Students in this model access grade-level academic content through participation in their mainstream classrooms. It is therefore imperative that districts employing this model ensure that sufficient time and resources are allocated for professional development of classroom teachers who will be responsible for providing access to the grade-level curriculum for the English language learners in their classrooms.Consistent, focused, and effective language development instruction is provided through ELL pull-out/push-in instruction or through small group work with the classroom teacher. Language instruction is delivered in English by teachers who have been specifically trained in the field of second language acquisition and strategies. Language instruction may occur either individually or in small groups within the mainstream classroom (Push-in) or separate from the mainstream classroom (Pull-out) with the focus of supporting English language development.


Newcomer Programs should never constitute the entire English language development (ELD) program for any district but should serve only as a foundation for students to move into the regular district TBIP program.Newcomer Programs provide specialized instruction to beginning level English language learners who have newly immigrated to the United States and are especially useful for districts with large numbers of students with limited or interrupted formal education who may have low literacy in their native language. Districts must establish clear criteria for when students are to move out of the Newcomer Program and into the regular TBIP program offered by the district. Such criteria should be based on a combination of English language ability and length of time in the Newcomer Program. Individual student factors should also be considered regarding a student’s preparedness to receive services through another programming model. Program length is typically one semester to one year for most students.

Please see our Bilingual Guidebook below for more information about program requirements. 

Also, you can find information on the OSPI website at




Robert Aguilar

TBIP/Title III Program Director

Marisol Torrez Gonzalez

TBIP/Title III Secretary

Meg Berg

Davis Elementary School ELL Learning Specialist

Sarah Helms

John Sager Middle School

Joy Espinosa

Multilingual Specialist & Sp.ED Teacher