On August 30th, College Place High School students embarked on their fourth annual service day. Nearly all of the school’s 500 students gave 1.5 hours of service at a variety of locations across the College Place community. The annual project aligns with one of the district’s key tenants of “Selflessness in Service of Others.”
Students arrived by school bus and district vehicles to numerous locations including Sunset Villas for yard cleanup, Frog Hollow Farms to pick cherry tomatoes for delivery to the BMAC food bank where students volunteered to assist with the food pickup. Students also went to Frenchtown Historic Site, YWCA, the trails managed by BMAC, and numerous other areas of the City of College Place and beyond.
The ongoing project that takes place early each year is aimed at teaching the students lessons about community service, taking pride in the community, and understanding the strong connection between College Place Schools and the community. It is an excellent way for the students and the district to give back to the community that gives so much to them. If you have a project that you would like considered for Fall 2024, please contact Ambra Bryant at abryant@cpps.org