Classified School Employees Appreciate Week is March 9-13
Every year the district celebrates all of the classified employees who make such a huge impact with our students, families, teachers, and schools.
Classified staff are the para-educators who work hands-on with students in reading, math and with special needs students. They are the cooks who prepare breakfast and lunch every day. The bus drivers who get students to and from school safely. The maintenance and custodians who keep our buildings and grounds looking great!
They are also the secretaries who help students and parents each and every day and who keep the offices running. The nurses and health room assistants who care for students at school. The pathway specialists who are guiding our high school students to find their bright futures. And they are the district staff who keep all of the systems running so staff can focus on kids and their learning.
They all make College Place Public Schools the best place to be! Take a moment to say thanks to a classified staff member this week.