Zenada Voss
Bus Driver
Years at CPPS 17
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a bus driver. My favorite bus driver was Maesile Bowers at CPPS and I just loved her because I had so much fun on her bus every day.
Who was your favorite teacher and why?
I had 2 favorite teachers. Mrs. Zuroski who was my 4th-grade teacher in Pullman, WA. She had an amazing love of kids and she gently guided us to do the right thing. My other favorite teacher was Mr. Cummins at Wa-Hi because my dad passed away when I was in high school and Mr. Cummins become a father figure to me.
What is one fun fact about yourself?
I like to leave positive backward messages on chalkboards and whiteboards. It makes people stop and think.
What is your biggest life lesson?
You are loved and there is a plan for your life.
Why do you love working at CPPS?
The kids just touch my heart every day. Even though the struggles and when kids are challenging, I know we can make a difference in who they will become in the future.
Carman Gerking Transportation Supervisor shared, “Zenada is very dependable and thoughtful of others. She is willing to jump in and get things done. I find that very refreshing.”
Thank you Zenada!