In an effort to serve our community and help those in need, CPPS along with volunteers from Eden's Pantry gave out 350 care packages on Thursday, to families in the greater College Place area.
Staff, students and community volunteers were on hand to assist and say thank you to our community who supports our schools.
In addition to the food, monetary donations were made allowing us to purchase gift cards from Andy's Market to also support these efforts.
"Strong communities are not defined by hard times, but by how they respond to them. Today College Place Public Schools, in partnership with Walla Walla University Church , was proud to serve the community that so strongly supports us." Stated Superintendent Jim Fry.
It was a great partnership in our community and even Rocky the Raider made an appearance today to lend a hand, or wing!
We want to thank every community member who gave generously with a food donation or a monetary donation. This is what makes College Place a great place!