
In a special session Tuesday night the College Place Public Schools Board of Directors voted unanimously to move the start of the 2020-2021 school year from August 24th to after Labor Day, Tuesday, September 8, 2020.  The district is planning for a full return to school in the fall and will utilize the additional time to support planning, cleaning, and the arrival of new furniture for the six new portable classrooms at Davis Elementary, as well as other areas to support social distancing.  




The Board heard from Superintendent Jim Fry that multiple teams considered the change that will allow for more time on the front end, but will only add a few days at the end of the school year due to removing two embedded professional development days, one snow day, and adding two required at-home learning dates of December 21 and 22.  The new end calendar has the school year concluding on June 15 (instead of June 10).




Superintendent Fry discussed that in order to maintain the calendar as approved that does not contain any days built in for COVID-19 closure, the district has to be able to pivot to at-home distance learning immediately if necessary.  The members of the calendar committee were in agreement that this was a reasonable expectation since staff will have planning time in advance and students will already have 1:1 devices assigned to them.  If CPPS is not able to do this, it would be necessary to add days to the end of the calendar as directed by OSPI.




Fry stated, "Once again I have been impressed with the excellent teamwork of our associations and the district during these unprecedented times.  We continue to solve new problems with new solutions by being flexible and student-centered."  




Click here to see the new calendar