CPPS Athletics Update- WIAA Releases Modified Seasons Information July 22, 2020

Greetings CPPS Community,


Last night the WIAA released new information regarding the upcoming 2020-21 sports seasons. These are major changes to the sports seasons we have all become accustomed to, and we are currently working with this new information as we navigate through these unprecedented times created by the COVID-19 Pandemic. I know these changes can create many questions, please stay tuned, as we learn more from the WIAA we will continue to push out information to our community and families using all of our communication formats. We will have more detailed plans for how this information specifically impacts CPHS and Sager sports teams in the next few weeks, as we prepare for the return to school plans this fall. We will work diligently with our coaches and our CPHS and Sager athletic conferences to create safe participation opportunities for our students, and hope to see our athletes once again fully participating in the sports they love!


*On July 28, we should find out more from the WIAA and State Department of Health to determine benchmarks that have to be met to offer any fall sports. That info will be sent out as soon as possible.


Please see the full press release from the WIAA below with an important link included. Below that the CPHS/Sager version of the new seasons schedule which includes TENTATIVE season start dates.

WIAA Modifies 2020-21 Sports Season Calendar\r\n \r\nRENTON, Wash. – The WIAA Executive Board took action on Tuesday to modify the 2020-21 WIAA sports season calendar in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes will create four WIAA-sanctioned seasons and will also move moderate- and high-risk team sports, originally scheduled for the fall season, to the WIAA Season 3.\r\n \r\nThe fall sports of cross country, slowpitch softball, as well as alternative seasons for golf and tennis, have been determined to consist of WIAA Season 1 and will each begin practices the week of September 7, a date determined by the Executive Board at a previous meeting. The viability of girls’ swim and dive taking place in WIAA Season 1 is dependent on more information from the Department of Health.\r\n \r\nThe remaining fall sports of girls’ soccer, 1B/2B boys soccer, volleyball and football will now be scheduled to begin in the early spring of 2021 as part of WIAA Season 3.\r\n \r\nThe Board recognizes that participation in any fall sports will depend on county progression through the phases laid out in Governor Inslee’s Safe Start plan over the coming weeks. The Executive Board will create benchmarks on July 28 to be met in order for WIAA Season 1 to take place. If the benchmarks are not met, the Board will plan to move the remainder of fall sports to WIAA Season 3.\r\n \r\nTraditional winter sports will all take place in WIAA Season 2 with the expectation to begin in late December or early January. Traditional spring sports will occupy WIAA Season 4 to end the school year.\r\n \r\nThe supporting document below provides tentative dates of when seasons could potentially start and end, but a final decision has not been determined by the Board.\r\n \r\n“Since March, the philosophy of our Association has been to allow students every chance to participate,” said WIAA Executive Director Mick Hoffman. “We’ve asked our Executive Board and planning committees to be as creative as possible in allowing for those opportunities. These are tough and unprecedented decisions to make, but it has been inspiring to see so many people around the state come together to work on behalf of students.”\r\n \r\nThe WIAA Executive Board and planning committees are working under the Return-To-Activity Guidelines supported and co-authored by the National Federation of High Schools, Washington Department of Health and the Governor’s Office, as well as sport-specific guidelines set forth by WIAA committees made up of coaches, athletic directors, students, officials and local health professionals. Those guidelines can be found on the WIAA Website.\r\n \r\nWIAA Season 1: Cross Country, Slowpitch Softball, Girls Swim & Dive*, Golf (Alternative Season), Tennis (Alternative Season)\r\n \r\nWIAA Season 2: Basketball, Bowling, Boys Swim & Dive, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Wrestling\r\n \r\nWIAA Season 3: Volleyball, Girls Soccer, 1B/2B Boys Soccer, Football\r\n \r\nWIAA Season 4: Tennis, Fastpitch Softball, Track & Field, Baseball, Golf, Boys Soccer, Dance/Drill\r\n 
CLICK LINK WIAA 2020-21 Potential Season Calendar (All Dates are Tentative)

CPPS Modified Seasons Snip July 22.PNG