CPHS Athletics Update: WIAA Healthy Washington Sport and Activity Guidelines

The WIAA has published new Healthy Washington Sport and Activity Guidelines  for reopening athletics that clarify and work in accordance with the new Healthy Washington phased reopening from the WA State DOH and the Governor's office.  Those new plans are included and linked below. 

Region and league representatives and administrators around the state are continuing to meet as we speak to make decisions about how to proceed with upcoming training opportunities within the new guidelines, as well as decisions about when to officially schedule seasons. Not all leagues and regions will follow the exact modified seasons plan the WIAA has recommended. Regions around the state are being creative and working to create season schedules that meet the needs of the communities and unique situations that each region faces.
At this juncture, we are working on high school athletics only at this point, determinations about middle school sports opportunities will come at a later date.  
By Friday at the latest, I will send out specific information to families about some CPHS Athlete training opportunities that will begin to open up the week of Jan. 19, 2021. These will include both non-sport specific training opportunities through our Iron Hawks program as well as sport specific training for some applicable sports that can be made available within the new guidelines. We hope athletes can plan to participate so we can work to get in shape for these potential upcoming seasons. Make sure you have registered fully in Final Forms and have an updated sports physical on file in your Final Forms account so these are no delays to your participation in these programs. 
As more decisions are made and questions are answered we will send out information about upcoming seasons and plans as soon as possible. We look forward to working with our athletes in person and in a safe manner very soon. 
Link to Healthy Washington Sport and Activity Guidelines - Jan. 12, 2021





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