Girls Youth Camp- Hawks Volleyball and Basketball

Summer 2021 


Youth Girls Basketball & Volleyball Camp


July 26th - 28th, 2021 College Place High School Main Gym 9am - Noon Each Day - Check in and registration begins at 8:15am on July 26th


Designed for girls grades 4-8. Come spend three days with the CPHS Hawks Basketball  and Volleyball Coaches and athletes as you participate in skill instruction, practice and development. Daily prizes awarded as you compete in fun games and competitions!  No prior experience in either sport is necessary! 


Fee of $40 includes instruction and games in both sports for all three days! 


Save the date, registration forms coming soon or register at the door on the first day! You may pay by cash or check payable to CPHS Athletics


All proceeds go to support CPHS Girls Basketball and Volleyball programs.


Contact Coach Julie Hill or Angie Potts with any questions.


@cphshawks_athletics @cphshawks_volleyball @cphshawks_girlsbasketball