College Place Public Schools, in compliance with state law RCW 28A.343.040, has had a third party review its district director areas based on the most recent census data. School districts are required to evaluate their data to ensure that each director district is nearly equal in population, is as compact as possible, does not favor or disfavor any racial group or political party, and coincides with existing recognized natural boundaries
\r\nAfter review, College Place Public Schools saw a disproportionate distribution of population between Area 2, currently represented by CPPS Board Member Anne-Marie Bauman, and Area 3, currently represented by CPPS Board Member Todd Stubblefield. The board is proposing a small change by redistricting a portion of Area 2 that is adjacent to the boundary line of Area 3 into that Area. The Area impacted will be between Whitman Drive (North boundary) and SE 3rd Street (South boundary) and NE Larch Street (East boundary) SE Alpine Drive (West boundary).\r\n
\r\nCollege Place Public Schools will hold its regularly scheduled Board Meeting on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. in the Davis Elementary cafeteria located at 31 SE Ash Street, College Place, WA. There will be an opportunity for public comment on the plan ( at that meeting. Anyone interested in giving public comment on the proposed redistricting is welcome to attend.\r\n