Kindergarten Parents,
Welcome to Davis! We are so excited to have your son or daughter join our family of Dragons! Our hope is that you will find our school a warm, caring and compassionate place, with a team of educators who prioritize the well-being of your child above all else. The vision of College Place Public Schools is to ‘Focus on Kids and Their Learning’, and within this statement lies our own building vision of championing rigor and joy for every student, in every classroom, every day. Feeling joy begins with providing a safe environment in which to learn, and that includes ensuring each child’s physical safety.
We have found that keeping kids safe and maintaining an open, welcoming environment can often times be at odds with each other. As such, we’ve done our best to conjoin the two at our school, and have established the following schedule, which we hope accommodates your child’s needs as he/she begins the school year:
September 4 to September 14: Families are welcome to enter the school via the main entrance near the flagpole and walk their Kindergartners to their classrooms in the morning without first checking in at the office. The standard protocol is to check in at the main office and receive a visitor badge/sticker to wear if choosing to enter the hallways. However, considering that these are the first days of your child’s Kindergarten experience, we want to ensure you are able walk your child in without the hassle of waiting in line to check in. For all other areas of the building, and beginning at 8:05 each morning for the entire building, guest will be required to check-in at the main office and obtain a visitor badge or sticker before entering the school.
September 17th: At this time, families still wishing to walk their Kindergarten student to class may do so, but must first check-in at the main office and receive a visitor’s badge. Staff will be supervising the entrance of the K/1 Hallway, and will redirect adults to the main office if they have not yet checked in. While staff may know or even begin to recognize you, we ask that this process be observed out of respect for all of our safety. Our intent is to facilitate a secure, systematic approach to keeping our students safe, and this is our best effort to blend safety and accessibility. Please plan accordingly, as checking in may take extra time.
We do understand that checking in at the office may feel inconvenient, but we prioritize the safety of our Davis family over the convenience and efficiency of being able to freely enter and leave the school unaccounted for. If our procedures feel troublesome or unreasonable, feel free to contact an administrator to share your concerns. We would be happy to hear from you!
Again, we are so excited for your children to begin their educational journeys, and appreciate your trust in our team of educators to provide them with a top-notch experience.
We Are Davis!
Chris Plucker
Assistant Principal, Davis Elementary